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12 feb. 2017: Playspot Tron Chiq is running OK at 50m3/s at the gauge on the Ourthe in Angleur Voor de peilschalen op de AQUALIM site:
2017 Birdy <@> - Tue Feb 7 10:23:59 CET 2017 03-02-17 10:00 Prum Prumzurlay 93 cm okkkk, min 60 03-02-17 10:00 Ourthe OR Houffalize 103 cm ok, min 35 03-02-17 10:00 Martin Moulin Rensiwé 71 cm ok, min 60 03-02-17 10:00 Warche Malmedy 61 cm ok for lower warche from malmedy to ambleve 03-02-17 10:00 Hoegne Belleheid 67 cm ok for the middle Hoegne, low 03-02-17 10:00 Hoegne Belleheid 2,4 m3/s ok for the middle Hoegne, low 03-02-17 10:00 Warche Bevercé 3 m3/s too low for Tros Marets and Bayhon 03-02-17 10:00 Rur Monschau 56 cm too low, min 60 03-02-17 10:00 Eau Rouge Stavelot 55 cm too low, min 65 03-02-17 10:00 Ambleve Montenau 55 cm too low, min 65 03-02-17 10:00 Salm Trois-Ponts 49 cm too low, min 57, a bit o frain on Saturday, but colder again on Sunday??? 03-02-17 10:00 Ourthe Angleur 73 m3/s might be ok for Tron Chic, I don't know the current position of the gate… 03-02-17 10:00 Ourthe OCC Amberloup 36 cm 03-02-17 10:00 Lesse Daverdisse 50 cm too low, min 80 03-02-17 10:00 Lesse Maissin 49 cm too low, min 70 03-02-17 10:00 Almache Gembes 14 cm too low, min 24 03-02-17 10:00 Our Our 59 cm too low, min 65 03-02-17 10:00 Houille Fellenne 25 cm too low, min 45 03-02-17 10:00 Bocq Yvoir 51 cm too low, min 65 03-02-17 10:00 Vresse Vresse 53 cm too low, min 65 03-02-17 10:00 Meuse Chooz 100 m3/s too low, construction works 03-02-17 10:00 Erft Neubrueck 70 cm too low, min 80-85 Birdy <@> - Fri Feb 3 11:00:06 CET 2017 11-03-16 10:00 Marne Château-Thierry 2,66 m licht stijgend (Azy ok bij 2,17) hoger dus ok vlgs river app (bij 2,9 ga voor Noisil) 11-03-16 10:00 Marne La Ferté-sous-Jouarre 2,18 m stabiel (Azy ok bij 1m55 of 170m3/s) 11-03-16 10:00 Loing Châlette-sur-Loing 1,28 m licht dalend (Charly ok tss 60-90m3/s) 11-03-16 10:00 Loing Châlette-sur-Loing 32 m3 licht dalend (Charly ok tss 60-90m3/s) 11-03-16 10:00 Marne Gournay-sur-Marne 3,17 vlg river app ok 11-03-16 10:00 Marne Gournay-sur-Marne 265 vlg river app ok Birdy <@> - Fri Mar 11 10:28:04 CET 2016 19/02/2016 10:00 Hoegne Belleheid 49 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Warche Bevercé 50 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Rur Monschau 40 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Eau Rouge Stavelot 38 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Ambleve Montenau 56 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Salm Trois-Ponts 59 cm min 57 19/02/2016 10:00 Ourthe Angleur 100 m3 ok 19/02/2016 10:00 Lesse Daverdisse 80 cm min 80 19/02/2016 10:00 Lesse Maissin 72 cm min 70 19/02/2016 10:00 Almache Gembes 19 cm too low 19/02/2016 10:00 Semois Membre 51 m3 ok 19/02/2016 10:00 Meuse Chooz 450 m3 too high 19/02/2016 10:00 Meuse Chooz 235 cm too high 19/02/2016 10:00 Prum Prumzurlay 66 cm min 60 19/02/2016 10:00 Erft Neubrueck 82 cm ok lowish Birdy <@> - Fri Feb 19 11:13:45 CET 2016 2015-2014 new season started Birdy <@> - Mon Nov 23 09:11:27 CET 2015 2014-2015 new season started Birdy <@> - Mon Dec 29 23:03:07 CET 2014 Freestyling 07-03-14 10:00 Ourthe Angleur 37 m3 still pretty high for mava, maybe? Contact locals? 07-03-14 10:00 Ourthe Angleur 57 cm still pretty high for mava 07-03-14 10:00 Semois Membre 31 m3 goes down about 4m3 a day, so probalby 27m3 tomorrow noon, shallow spot, only flatspin, roundhouse, no vertical moves 07-03-14 10:00 Meuse Chooz 230 m3 too low for Ham and pretty low for wavespotting at the other weirs, certainly you will find waves for surfing and technical spinning and roundhouse, … but i doubt if there's anything for vertical moves 07-03-14 10:00 Prum Prumzurlay 54 cm too low 07-03-14 10:00 Erft Neubreuck 78 cm low but possible but shallow 07-03-14 10:00 Somme Abbevile 55 m3 St-Valery-sur-Somme, yeeh :-), if the wave is there, definatly the best place to be. Who will go and check it out tonight? If ok we'll be there tomorrow :-) Birdy <@> - Fri Mar 7 10:37:33 CET 2014 2013-2014 new season started Weinig water, 't is koud, 't wordt kouder, geen regen of smeltwater voor van 't weekend, dus weinig te doen in de beekjes in d'ardennen of de venen, enkel hier en daar net een minimum niveau zoals de Lesse. Het beste wildwater is te vinden op de Prum in Irrel. Playboaten mogelijk in Bouillon, maar berekoud, Erft is dan misschien iets beter. Geen idee hoe de kleppen staan bij Tron Chique, wel genoeg water daar. De Maas in Ham staat te hoog om te playboaten, geen idee over de andere stuwen. In Frankrijk genoeg water op de Doubs, mogelijkheden. 06-02-13 12:00 Hoegne Belleheid 58 cm too low, snow and freezing 06-02-13 20:00 Ourthe Angleur 190 m3 high 06-02-13 20:00 Lesse Daverdisse 90 cm minimum to paddle the upepr lesse 06-02-13 20:00 Houille Fellenne 90 cm going down so too low for te Hulle 06-02-13 20:00 Semois Membre 78 m3 Bouillon good for freezwheeling 06-02-13 20:00 Meuse Chooz 490 m3 Too high for playspot Ham 06-02-13 20:00 Prum Prumzurlay 100 cm good for the Irreler Wasserfalle 06-02-13 20:00 Erft Neubruck 108 cm good 06-02-13 20:00 Doubs Besançon 530 m3 high, good for several playspots Birdy <@> - Wed Feb 6 21:41:50 CET 2013 15-12-12 - 02:30 - - - lots of rivers running, water levels going up fast, Ardennes (Lesse) and East-Belgium (Hoegne, Rur) are running. Birdy <@> - Sat Dec 15 02:32:35 CET 2012 10-12-12 - 9:00 - - - lots of snow in East-Belgium, next friday possible positive temperatures, so mybe water on next weekend on Rur, Hoegne, Tros Marets, Bayhon, Amblève, ... Birdy <@> - Mon Dec 10 09:59:31 CET 2012 14-07--2012 - 12:00 - Semois, Membre - 60 m3/s - wow, summer playboating on the semois in Bouillon Birdy <@> - Sat Jul 14 13:10:55 CEST 2012 summertime Birdy <@> - Sun Jun 24 10:51:04 CEST 2012 27-01-12 8:00 Hoegne Belleheid 60 cm minumum for lower, but no rain, getting colder, so will go down, too low 27-01-12 8:00 Rur Monschau cm too low 27-01-12 8:00 Ambleve Montenau 68 cm needs 70, too low 27-01-12 8:00 Salm Trois-Ponts 68 cm ok, needs 57 27-01-12 8:00 Ourthe Angleur 125 m3 ok for Belle Ile 27-01-12 8:00 Ourthe OCC Amberloup 52 cm ok low, needs 47, will go down slowly 27-01-12 8:00 Ourthe OR Houffalize 58 cm ok, needs 49 27-01-12 8:00 Martin Moulin Rensiwé 76 cm ok, needs 49 27-01-12 8:00 Lesse Daverdisse 85 cm ok LOW 27-01-12 8:00 Houille Fellenne 86 cm to low 27-01-12 8:00 Semois Membre 48 m3 Good to Go Playboating in Bouillon, freezwheeling 27-01-12 8:00 Meuse Chooz 333 m3 Good to Go Playboating in Ham, freeeezwheeling 27-01-12 8:00 Meuse Chooz 192 cm Good to Go Playboating 27-01-12 8:00 Prum Prumzurlay 80 cm ok Birdy <@> - Fri Jan 27 13:30:52 CET 2012 21-01-12 22:00 Hoegne Belleheid 93 cm high level for the upper-hoegne but it stooped raining, most of the snow has gone. Forecast gives some rain tomorrow around noon. 21-01-12 22:00 Rur Monschau 102 cm good level for the upper rur, going down 21-01-12 22:00 Eau Rouge 92 cm too high, going up 21-01-12 22:00 Ourthe Angleur 250 m3 no idea 'bout belle ile but i think too high 21-01-12 22:00 Lesse Daverdisse 90 cm ok low, seen better this year 21-01-12 22:00 Houille Fellenne 96 cm ok level, seen better this year 21-01-12 22:00 Semois Membre 65 m3 good level to playboat in Bouillon 21-01-12 22:00 Meuse Chooz 400 m3 ok high for Ham, but it mustn't go higher 21-01-12 22:00 Prum Prumzurlay 130 cm high water on the Irreler Wasserfälle Birdy <@> - Sat Jan 21 23:03:46 CET 2012 20-01-12 18:00 Hoegne Belleheid 65 cm Il y a de nombreux arbres en travers (à cause de la tempête) dans la 2ème partie de la partie Pont du Centenaire/Pont de Bellehei. (Michel J.) Lots of trees, due to the storm, on the second half of the Upper Hoegne Birdy <@> - Fri Jan 20 19:02:26 CET 2012 20-01-12 18:00 Hoegne Belleheid 65 cm too low for upper, low for middle hoegne. But rain expected tonight friday, saturdaynight less rain forecasted. 20-01-12 18:00 Rur Monschau 73 cm good low level for the upper rur 20-01-12 18:00 Ourthe Angleur 200 m3 too high 20-01-12 18:00 Lesse Daverdisse 75 cm too low 20-01-12 18:00 Houille Fellenne 88 cm too low 20-01-12 18:00 Semois Membre 43 m3 good level to playboat in Bouillon 20-01-12 18:00 Meuse Chooz 246 m3 too low for Ham 20-01-12 18:00 Prum Prumzurlay 115 cm high water on the Irreler Wasserfälle Birdy <@> - Fri Jan 20 18:55:23 CET 2012 19-01-12 18:00 Hoegne Belleheid 100 cm very high to paddle upper and middle hoegne 19-01-12 18:00 Warche Beveré 140 cm very high to paddle tros marets and bayhon 19-01-12 18:00 Rur Monschau 104 cm good high level to paddle the upper rur, even some nice playboating on the middle rur 19-01-12 18:00 Eau Rouge Stavelot 130 cm high water on the eau rouge 19-01-12 18:00 Vesdre Chaufontaine 50 m3 going up, it's getting high. Did anybody ever looked at the playboating potential of the many weirs on the vesdre? 19-01-12 18:00 Ourthe Angleur 110 m3 not high but the water is coming, good for Belle-Ile playboating 19-01-12 18:00 Lesse Daverdisse 78 cm too low 19-01-12 18:00 Houille Fellenne 81 cm too low 19-01-12 18:00 Vresse Vresse 65 cm too low 19-01-12 18:00 Semois Membre 28 m3 too low for playboating, you will touch the bottom of the weir, only flatspin and blunt 19-01-12 18:00 Meuse Chooz 200 m3 too low for playboating in Ham sur meuse, but will be good this weekend 19-01-12 18:00 Meuse Chooz 127 cm Birdy <@> - Thu Jan 19 19:43:58 CET 2012 13-01-12 6:00 Rur Monschau 53 cm too low 13-01-12 6:00 Ourthe Angleur 135 m3 nice level, but in december the weir was too high to be a good playspot 13-01-12 6:00 Lesse Daverdisse 83 cm minimum but going down, so too low 13-01-12 6:00 Semois Membre 51 m3 good level, the spot in Bouillon should be OK, but it's gonna' be cold. It's a hole, left side surf blunt, rigt side cartwheel loop … 13-01-12 6:00 Meuse Chooz 500 m3 still high water, too high for Ham, but other weir on the Meuse mightbe go, go wavespotting, check Fépin, Montigny, Fumay (3x) 13-01-12 6:00 Meuse Chooz 250 cm If it goes down further 20cm, Ham-sur-Meuse might be good on Sunday 13-01-12 6:00 Prum Prumzurlay 74 cm nice medium level, going down so will be good low level on the Irreler wasserfalle 13-01-12 6:00 Erft Neubruck 90 cm Erft OK Birdy <@> - Fri Jan 13 10:00:42 CET 2012 03-01-2012 going for Pernelle, Ruisseau du Moulin tomorrow. Birdy <@> - Tue Jan 3 23:14:52 CET 2012 24-12-2011 very fun descend on upper Hoegne and Tros Marets Birdy <@> - Tue Jan 3 23:13:52 CET 2012 't Is aan 't dooien op de venen, vandaag dus goed om te varen: Hoegne, Rur, ... Er komt nog wat regen vanavond, vanacht en morgen wat lichte sneeuw, geen idee of er zaterdag op de venen gevaren kan worden, 't zal nipt zijn, misschien...Rur zal misschien wel wat z'n water houden. Lesse bekken en 't zuiden van d'ardennen, weinig water, net te doen met minimum water en dan nog dalend. Zal limiet zijn voor morgen, afhankelijk van de regen van vanavond. Birdy <@> - Fri Dec 23 15:07:34 CET 2011 22-11-12 6:00 Hoegne Belleheid 62 cm too low this morning, but going up 22-11-12 14:00 Rur Monschau 80 cm good level for upper Rur, still going up 22-11-12 14:00 Warche Beveré 124 very good to paddle Tros Marets, Bayhon Birdy <@> - Thu Dec 22 16:20:15 CET 2011 17-12-2011 - 15:00 - Vresse, Vresse - 95 cm - Paddled it at very high fast water. Go check for trees as much as possible before take off. After the start, trees on both sides of the island at the fast part before the first bridge, check it, possible but difficult to eddy in between them, better portage. Barage ok. New wooden footbridges at the chalets ok. At the concrete bridge you have to roll completely. Above level 100cm your boat will touch the concrete bridge even during rolling, sketchy. Rest of the flight is clear. At level 105cm (if you not stuck under the concrete bridge) you also have to roll under the 2 steel footbridges after the weir, even then you might hit them, sketchy (thanks to the Buck's for the high level info) Bye Birdy Birdy <@> - Tue Dec 20 18:57:57 CET 2011 20-12-2011 - - - - Hulle, rapid with lots of trees, club charleroi created a passage along the trees, so ok. Last friday the road was blocked 'cause of possible flooding and trees falling. But so far no flooding, no trees, road was clear. (When the level of the Houille Felenne is around 145cm, the water at the get-in is at the stairs of the house, not in.) Birdy <@> - Tue Dec 20 18:44:35 CET 2011 no more rain since big quantities yesterday morning hoegne 65 low warche 102 low rur 80 ok for upper ourthe angleur 250 freezboat check belle ile, tron chic lesse 140 ok and rivers around Houille 133 ok for upper hulle, lot's of trees, also on road. vresse 95 high meuse chooz 750m3 very high even for wavespotting Birdy <@> - Sat Dec 17 08:12:43 CET 2011 High water in the Ardennes and East-Belgium, all rivers have water, in the South rivers are reaching flood level, watch out, have fun. 16-12-11 14:00 Hoegne Belleheid 90 cm full ON to paddle the cascatelles, don't be chicken ;-) 16-12-11 14:00 Warche Beveré 130 cm very high, super level, watch out for the trees 16-12-11 16:00 Rur Monschau 102 cm very good level to paddle the Upper Rur 16-12-11 16:00 Lesse Daverdisse 185 cm very good level to paddle the Upper Lesse 16-12-11 16:00 Houille Fellenne 147 cm high level to paddle the Hulle, very high 16-12-11 14:00 Pernelle Bruly 110 cm just below the flood level from the 2003 record, very high water, good for Pernelle, Manise, Rss Du Moulin 16-12-11 Meuse Chooz 540 m3 too high for playboating in Ham, go wavespotting along the Meuse, check the nuclear wave at the tower in Chooz, difficult but big. 16-12-11 Meuse Chooz 265 cm Birdy <@> - Fri Dec 16 16:08:45 CET 2011 16-12-11 8:00 Warche Beveré 122 cm high water, super for Tros-Marets, Bayhon 16-12-11 8:00 Rur Monschau 90 cm high level, fun ! 16-12-11 8:00 Lesse Daverdisse 120 cm good level for upper lesse 16-12-11 8:00 Houille Fellenne 126 cm good high level for Hulle 16-12-11 8:00 Pernelle Bruly 85 cm exceptionally high level, will go down fast, good for Manise, Hulle, Ruisseau Du Moulin, … 16-12-11 8:00 Vresse Vresse 95 cm high level, fun ! 16-12-11 8:00 Meuse Chooz 420 m3 getting too high for playbaoting in Ham, but good to go wavespotting on the Meuse, check Fépin behind the church an d fumay above town 16-12-11 8:00 Meuse Chooz 226 cm Birdy <@> - Fri Dec 16 09:43:21 CET 2011 up to now, just like tuesday, more rain (ca 22mm) and water in the south (Ardennes - Couvin, Bouillon, Lesse) then in the North (ca 14mm)(Hoge Venen - Trois-Pont, Malmedy, Monschau) Birdy <@> - Thu Dec 15 10:44:26 CET 2011 13-12-11 6:00 Hoegne Belleheid 57 cm too low, but it's rainingggg, so stay tuned 13-12-11 12:00 Warche Beveré 95 cm too low 13-12-11 12:00 Rur Monschau 58 cm too low, going up 13-12-11 1:00 Eau Rouge Stavelot 50 cm too low 13-12-11 1:00 Ambleve Montenau 40 cm too low, needs 70 13-12-11 6:00 Salm Trois-Ponts 38 cm too low, needs 59 13-12-11 12:00 Ourthe Angleur 60 m3 too low, big 'rappel' no playboating 13-12-11 1:00 Ourthe OCC Amberloup 53 cm ok to paddle, above minimum 13-12-11 1:00 Ourthe OR Houffalize 40 cm too low 13-12-11 1:00 Martin Moulin Rensiwé 55 cm ok to paddle, above minimum 13-12-11 12:00 Lesse Daverdisse 85 cm ok to paddle, still a bit low,but going up steep Almache Gembes 30 cm too low Our Our 75 cm ok to paddle, above minimum 13-12-11 12:00 Wamme Hargimont cm 13-12-11 1:00 Lomme Forrières 52 cm too low 13-12-11 12:00 Houille Fellenne 102 cm ok, nice level for the Hulle and still going up 13-12-11 12:00 Bocq Yvoir 41 too low 13-12-11 12:00 Samson 13-12-11 12:00 Viroin 13-12-11 12:00 Pernelle Bruly 53 cm ok to paddle, be quick, goes up fast and comes down fast, also check out de Ruisseau du Moulin near Rocroi, sketchy waterfall 13-12-11 12:00 Vresse Vresse 75 cm ok to paddle, minimum level 13-12-11 12:00 Semois Membre 73 m3 good to go playboating in Bouillon 13-12-11 12:00 Meuse Chooz 255 m3 too low, goes up fast, if above 300, good to go playboating, ham or plattling-sur-meuse 13-12-11 12:00 Meuse Chooz 160 cm too low, goes up fast, if above 180, good to go playboating, ham or plattling-sur-meuse 13-12-11 12:00 Prum Prumzurlay 79 cm very good level to paddle class 4 on the Irreler Wasserfälle, (paddling nt allowed 'till 31 dec???) 13-12-11 12:00 Nims Alsdorf 69 cm too low Birdy <@> - Tue Dec 13 19:54:18 CET 2011 05-12-11 6:00 Warche Bevercé 115 cm very nice level for the Tros Marets, this is the first water peak this season, very short up and down. 05-12-11 6:00 Hoegne Belleheid 76 cm nice level for the upper Hoegne 05-12-11 6:00 Rur Monschau 64 cm sort minimum for the Upper Rur 05-12-11 12:00 Lesse Daverdisse 53 cm has to go up a lot, Ardennes need a couple of weeks rain before they start flowing, but keep their level 07-12-11 8:00 eerste piek van dit seizoen, kort omhoog omlaag, laat die ardeense grondwater tafel maar stijgen, de spons op de venen maar vullen. Birdy <@> - Wed Dec 7 09:42:59 CET 2011 For water info from last season, go to the archive water 2007-2011 Birdy |